Each week, one apprentice is assigned to irrigation duty. This past week, that apprentice was me. Not having covered irrigation before, I imagined it would be a very part-time task of just turning the water on a few times. I was wrong. Irrigation on a Sacramento farm in June is nearly a full-time task, with lots of pipe needing to be moved, filters flushed, leaks patched, and sprinklers tweaked. And did I mention pipe needing to be moved? Pipe moving is definitely not one of my favorite tasks. At Soil Born, we water crops primarily with very efficient, ground-level drip tape that puts water right at the base of our plants. However, some farm watering is done with overhead sprinklers, which spread water fairly evenly over a wide area. We use sprinklers to water beds with germinating seeds or to irrigate a field before it is tilled, for example.
Those of you with yards at home might be thinking, "Big deal. Just turn the sprinklers on, already! Turn the dial on the Rainbird to ON and you're good to go." Not so fast. We don't keep the sprinklers set up in the field all the time. Rather, we assemble a sprinkler setup in place when and where it is needed. A typical setup consists of 17 25-foot lengths of aluminum pipe, each hand carried and carefully placed where needed. Working by myself, I usually carry one pipe on each shoulder, precariously perched at their balance point and uncomfortably pressing into my acromion process. That means I need to make 9 trips to move a pipe setup from point A to point B. It's a bit tiring in near-100-degree heat, not to mention that the pipe is usually burning hot from the sun. Gloves are a must.
Overhead sprinklers irrigating a field before disking. |
Turning water on and off is not a mindless task, either. Our overheard sprinklers and drip tape use water that is pumped from the river, filtered, and then run through a maze of pipes and valves before it ends up on a plant. There is a specific protocol that must be followed when turning water on and off, or you risk breaking the expensive pump and filters or blowing out the underground pipe or above-ground drip tape. Adding another layer of complexity, the drip tape and overhead sprinkler systems operate at different pressures, so you can't run both systems at the same time, requiring each day of irrigation to be thoughtfully planned.
Our sand media filters that remove particles from river water. |
Irrigation manifold with numerous valves to control pressure and flow. |
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